*For Studio Workshop | 2024 Version

  1. Appointment ONLY: A 50% deposit is requested within five(5) working days of the booking date for confirmation.

  2. Residents from Ping Chau to Discovery Bay can enjoy 20% off and 15% off by presenting relevant proof (such as payment slip, contract or photo, etc.). Residents of other outlying islands can enjoy a 10% discount.
    坪洲至愉景灣居民出示有關證明( 如繳費單、合約或照片等) , 即享有八折及八五折優惠。其它離島居民可享九折。

  3. Participants can bring their own meals (relevant arrangements must be made one(1) day before the event). 5+2’s STUDIO will charge no more than 15% service fee.
    參加者可自備飲食( 需於活動前一天通知以作有關安排)。5+2工作室將收取不多於15% 服務費用。

  4. Group in five(5) or more may consider renting party supplies, projectors or equipment provided at the venue (need to inform three(3) days before the event for arrangement). 5+2’s STUDIO will charge no more than 15% service fee.
    五人或以上團體可考慮租用場內提供之派對用品、投影機或設備( 需於活動前三天通知以作安排)。5+2工作室將收取不多於15% 服務費用。

  5. For re-arrangement or cancellation, please inform at least three(3) days ahead throughWhaApps(+852 64007156). Please understand there won’t be any refund for cancellation.
    如需改期,請於活動前至少三個工作天透過WhatApps(+852 64007156)通知;取消之活動並不能退回訂金,敬請注意。

  6. If a red rainstorm signal or typhoon signal No. 3 is issued. Participants may consider rescheduling or canceling and contact us via WhatApps (+852 64007156) three(3) hours before the event to make relevant arrangements. 5+2’s STUDIO will refund the full deposit within no more than seven(7) days.

  7. If a black rainstorm or typhoon signal No. 8 or above is issued, the event will be canceled without further notice. 5+2’s STUDIO will refund the full deposit within no more than seven(7) days.

  8. Please be responsible for your safety and belongings. 5+2’s STUDIO is not responsible for any injury/loss/damage.
    敬請注意個人及其財物的安全,5+2工作室對任何傷害/ 遺失/ 損壞不承擔任何責任。

  9. 5+2’s STUDIO reserves the right to make changes and modifications.