IT'S TIME | 2024

IT'S TIME | 2024

I dont know why I am here, I dont really sure why we are here; I dont know where I am going, I dont really sure where can we go; Simply, I have somethings to say, But not really sure how to put them into words. So, I made these.

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BORED | 2024

BORED | 2024

Bored, bored, bored. Has been my mood the whole time here in the city, but still I tried to have fun and still i got so bored to a point and wanna talk about boredom. In fact, quite fun.

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The pure passion drove me where I was, where I am, where I will be. Quite often I got stuck in questing about everything, losing confidence, well, some darkness. Ans somehow my brain works like that. I tried so hard to control it, telling her to stop, using all my strength to fight back, blablabla... Hmm. never works out. Until one day, I tried to just let go, stop that "care", to breathe again, looking at the sky, or just doing nothing. The "terrible shits" no longer feel shiiiiit anymore, the things just aren't that big deal anymore. My passion is back, like, u felt your heart beating so fast, you wanna hug the air, the moments, i mean everything around you. That's a pure joyful experience. I love what I'm doing simply because it's just so much fun. My purpose in life is just to be happy. Keep creating, keep imagining, keep living. Fuck that.

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NATURE GROWTH | 2020 - 2022

NATURE GROWTH | 2020 - 2022

The nature inspired me. Everyday, every second, every smell, every single thing. How stunning you are; How peace you gave me; How to live from all beings... What can I offer I wonder n wonder n wonder I am only human.

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CELLS POWER | 2018 - 2022

CELLS POWER | 2018 - 2022

You know I tried to find out the logic behind, Oh I find I try n sometimes I thought I found, and the next second I lost it I missed it or I just can't. Sometimes, ya I like to say sometimes, sometimes. There might be just no logic behind, and all you feel is just a sign, to tell u to keep alive. Fine Line Life 乖

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MIND BLOSSOM | 2017 - 2022

MIND BLOSSOM | 2017 - 2022

Plant your own mind, when the time came. It's grown, it's open, it's blossomed.

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BACK TO BASIC | 2017 - 2019

BACK TO BASIC | 2017 - 2019

Find Beauty, Protect beauty, Stay beauty

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ANIMALS | 2017 - 2019

ANIMALS | 2017 - 2019

The journey start with a simple idea, playing with patterns and animals. Both my favourite. To given the soul for each one, I focus on eyes the most. Some of the works made during the time when I was still travelling, to recorded my memories of each city/town I have stayed. Using 0.05 Ink, just black n white was enough for me, but afterward I started to use some red and gold since inspired by Buddhist Art.

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Be proud to be who you are, every second, every day, every time when they try to say that u means nothing. Well~ even nothing deserved to be just nothing. Even nothing is still beautiful as nothing. And, you have somethings, much more than something. As I’ve seen. All of you.

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PUZZLE GAME | 2021 - 2022

PUZZLE GAME | 2021 - 2022

Feels like I'm playing with the lines and dots at the first place, and now goes to playing with pictures to pictures. So much fun in non stop creating new pictures by changing different positions of those cards.

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Trying to practise into colours and finished a piece in an hour, jamming with music and feels like dancing on a paper.

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LEAF | 2021

LEAF | 2021

Sometimes l think life like a flower, That's a flower ready to be open. She is weak. She is soft. She is treasure. And you are the one who take care of her. Treat the best you can, one day it leaves only memories

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People care what they have, So they holding, holding very very tight. But how many of them care the lost? What have you lost? You must have lost something, right? At the end, You knew the truth, there are nothing, nothing you owned. Like the clouds, the sea, the waves... Changing, moving, flowing... But never last. I don't know. Maybe that's life.

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What is life really mean to you? How do you actually live? What do you really want? What is the most important for you? How do you feel about success? I have too many questions in my head and there probably no answers for it. But it's always reminds me to listen to myself. I am probably the most selfish person and I'm deeply sorry.

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COMMISSION | 2018 - Present

COMMISSION | 2018 - Present

I create a world for myself so then I can escape, since when? Not really sure. I swam in my own world for quite a long time, probably a whole lifetime. I tried to invite friends around but I was so shy and still I'm shy but I tried. And this little world feels like...hmmm... Don't really know, I thought I knew but in fact I dont know that's I know. And now I keep create like this is the only thing I know.

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